Characteristics of muscle from two species of bigeye snapper, priacanthus tayenus and priacanthus macracanthus. Effect of chitin and chitosan on gelling properties of surimi from barred garfish ( Hemiramphus far). Benjakul, S., Visessanguan, W., Tanaka, M., Ishizaki, S., Suthidham, R.Porcine plasma protein as proteinase inhibitor in bigeye snapper ( Priacanthus tayenus) muscle and surimi. Porcine plasma proteins as gel enhancer in bigeye snapper ( Priacanthus tayenus) surimi. Gel properties of bigeye snapper ( Priacanthus tayenus) surimi as affected by setting and porcine plasma proteins. Differences in gelation characteristics of natural actomyosin from two species of bigeye snapper, Priacanthus tayenus and Priacanthus macracanthus. Benjakul, S., Visessanguan, W., Ishizaki, S.Properties of cysteine proteinase inhibitors from black gram and rice bean. Biochemical and physicochemical changes in catfish ( Silurus glanis Linne) muscle as influenced by different freeze-thaw cycles. Porcine plasma proteins as a surimi protease inhibitor: Effects on actomyosin gelaton. Separation and quality of fish oil from precooked and non-precooked tuna heads. Article helps nurses gain insight on adolescents with diabetes. Isolation and characterization of trypsin inhibitors from some Thai legume seeds.

Inhibition of gel weakening of threadfin bream surimi using Thai legume seed proteinase inhibitors. Physicochemical and textural properties of dried squid as affected by alkaline treatments. Benjakul, S., Visessanguan, W., Tanaka, M., Ishizaki, S., Taluengphol, A.Pig plasma protein: Potential use as proteinase inhibitor for surimi manufacture inhibitory activity and the active components.

Physicochemical and enzymatic changes of cod muscle proteins subjected to different freeze-thaw cycles. Inhibitory effects of legume seed extracts on fish proteinases. Effect of smoke sources on quality and storage stability of catfish fillet ( Clarias macrocephatus Gunther). Characterization of proteinase recovered from Pacific whiting surimi wash water. Physicochemical changes in Pacific whiting muscle proteins during iced storage. Recovery of proteinase from Pacific whiting surimi wash water. Protein Hydrolysates from Pacific Whiting Solid Wastes. Proteinase in Pacific whiting surimi wash water: Identification and characterization. Fatty acids comparison between male and female dogfish ( Squalus acanthias) liver oil extracted by steaming method. Lipids and fatty acids of dogfish ( Squalus acanthias) liver oil extracted by different methods. Improvement of deacetylation of chitin from black tiger shrimp ( Penaeus monodon) carapace and shell. Chitosan production from carapace and shell of black tiger shrimp.